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2 Minutes at the Olympic Air Show 2014

2 Minutes at the Olympic Air Show 2014

Aside from a bit of experimentation at an air show last summer, this was my first real experience filming at an aviation-related event.

For this short film to be effective, I felt it was very important to depict the intricate, and graceful interplay between the ground crew, and the pilots/aircraft.

I shot much of this at 240 frames-per-second. By showing the action at 1/8 speed, one’s eye can linger on dramatic details/moments that would barely have registered at a normal frame rate. This also allowed the spinning propellers to be slowed down enough to be seen, producing a more interesting and ‘flowing’ image. I think it worked well, especially for a short piece like this.

Next year, I plan on being there both days – and getting a lot more (and better) footage. 

It’s a really fun event – check it out if you are in the area (Olympia, WA). Visit the Olympic Flight Museum site :https://www.olympicflightmuseum.com/

[Shot on a Sony® FS700 camera with Sony® 18-200 3.5-6.3 lens]

©2014 David Louis Quinn

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