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ATC Global 2013

14d014c53c11b3ea885da3ce73c303eaATC Global has been uniting the entire ATM industry annually since 1990. It provides an independent and impartial marketplace for ATM businesses from every region, small and large and regardless of affiliation. ATC Global 2013 will take place in Amsterdam, Holland, between 12th and 14th March.

ATC Global provides an unrivalled networking and business platform for companies operating within the global air traffic management (ATM) industry. If your organisation provides any of the following products or services, this is the ideal event for you:

ATC Towers/Mobile Control Towers, Aeronautical Information Systems/Management, Airfield Operations, Antennas, Avionics, Consoles, Consultancy, Voice & Data-Link Communications, Environmental Monitoring, Flight Data Processing Systems, FANS, GPS, Ground Handling, Ground-based Navigational Aids, Installation Services, Headsets, Runway Lighting, Meteorological Equipment/Services, Modular Systems Furniture, Precision Landing Systems, Remote Maintenance Monitoring, Satellite Navigation Networks, Software, Surveillance Systems, Research and Development, Simulators, Training Equipment and Courses and much more.

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