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Prime Aviation signs ABACUS contract with Fokker Services for its Dash 8-200 turboprop

133394ec80671153a609bf1d3181d949Fokker Services is pleased to announce that Prime Aviation JSC, a VIP and business air transport service specialist based in Kazakhstan’s business capital Almaty, has decided to enter into a three-year ABACUS program for its Dash 8-200* aircraft.

With this program, Prime Aviation will enjoy the services provided under the ABACUS FLY program for Dash 8* aircraft. This program is part of the strategic alliance between Fokker Services and Bombardier and aims to further expand and improve the support for Dash 8/Q100*/Q200*/Q300* aircraft.

Under the agreement, Fokker Services will provide a tailor made Component Support Program for Prime Aviation’s Dash 8-200 turboprop. The service includes exchange and re-conditioning services with availability guarantees, covering all major line replaceable units.

Keith Riches, Vice President Engineering & Operations, Prime Aviation:

“Prime Aviation prides itself on applying the highest aviation standards throughout its operation. With Fokker Services, we were able to develop a support program tailored to our specific demands for the Dash 8-200 aircraft. We are confident Fokker Services can maintain the high quality of service and support Prime Aviation in delivering aviation excellence to its customers in Central Asia.”

Heino van der Laan, Vice President, Marketing & Sales, Fokker Services:

“Working with Prime Aviation has enabled Fokker Services to further improve our ABACUS program. Together, we have been able to develop a highly customized program that will continue to support Prime Aviation’s impressive Dash 8 operation.”

Source: Fokker
Photo: ADWire

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