Urs Breitmeier appointed CEO of RUAG Holding AG
Konrad Peter, Executive Chairman of RUAG Holding AG, comments: “We are delighted to have secured the services of Urs Breitmeier as CEO of RUAG Holding AG, especially in view of his in-depth knowledge of our core business and organisation. Not only is he a good bridge builder with a long-term vision, but he also maintains a superb contact portfolio with customers and partners.
As an experienced manager, he is in a position to successfully implement and develop the group’s strategy in cooperation with the board of management.”
The search for his successor at RUAG Defence is underway. Konrad Peter remains in his post as Executive Chairman of RUAG Holding AG.
Urs Breitmeier:
Urs Breitmeier is the current Head of RUAG Defence and has a seat on the group’s board of management. Holding university degrees in Physics (ETH) and Engineering (HTL), he was appointed Head of Marketing, Sales and Systems Management of RUAG Land Systems eleven years ago and acquired a seat on the division’s board of management. He was made head of RUAG Land Systems in 2006 and given a seat on the group’s board of management. In 2011 Urs Breitmeier also took over management of RUAG Electronics and led both divisions in addition to RUAG Defence, shifting as he did so the overall focus towards international business.
Prior to his joining RUAG, Urs Breitmeier held managerial roles at Lonza AG and Calotron AG and acted as a consultant at the Malik Management Centre, St. Gallen. He holds an MBA and is a colonel in the Swiss Armed Forces. Urs Breitmeier is married and an enthusiastic mountaineer.
Source and Photo: RUAG