Aviation News

LOT seeks a name for a plane

 The LOT Polish Airlines campaign to promote its fleet continues. The company has taken to its Facebook page in order to encourage users to lend their name and face to one of its newest airliners, the Embraer 195. 

As part of the prize, the user’s photograph will be affixed to one of the LOT fleet’s four newest aircraft, the Embraer 195, which fly the airline’s routes throughout Europe. The winner will also be able to choose a flight on those routes. 

Our aim is to get our fans involved in creating not only our fan page, but also non-virtual aspects such as the interior paintwork of an airliner. We set great store by their creativity and by demonstrating that they are also building the image of Poland’s airline, said Leszek Chorzewski, the press officer for LOT Polish Airlines. 

Airlines have organised competitions for designing their fleet’s interior paintwork on more than one occasion. That’s old! LOT Polish Airlines has picked out the Embraer 195’s sorrowful personification and that’s something we can cheer up by giving it a face of its own, remarked Miron Mironiuk, digital data and connections director for the DDB advertising agency. 

The competition will run for three weeks, closing on 6th June 2012. DDB Warsaw 
is responsible for the concept, implementation, planning and purchase of Internet media. 

Source: LOT Polish Airlines

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