FSX East Cooper KLRO Piper. A repaint of Hauke Keitel’s Piper PA28-201. Aircraft is painted in a highly reflective red and black finish. This effect achieved with the use of a modified alpha channel. This technique created and used by Rooks Design Graphics. This is a complete aircraft entitled “East Cooper Piper KLRO”. Textures by Mark Rooks 7,5 Mb
– FSX East Cooper KLRO Piper
FSX East Cooper KLRO Piper. A repaint of Hauke Keitel’s Piper PA28-201. Aircraft is painted in a highly reflective red and black finish. This effect achieved with the use of a modified alpha channel. This technique created and used by Rooks Design Graphics. This is a complete aircraft entitled “East Cooper Piper KLRO”. Textures by Mark Rooks 7,5 Mb